Baran Group
Israel's Largest Engineering 

Baran Group
Israel's Largest Engineering 

Baran as a

Global Powerhouse

Baran Group is an international engineering company that provides engineering solutions for the management and design of infrastructures, buildings, industry, agriculture, communication, and technology operating in Israel and around the world.

The Group’s core activity is the management, design, and construction of complex projects, and it provides integrated holistic solutions starting with a feasibility studies, detailed design, procurement, management, and supervision services, including full execution of projects.

Over the past 40 years, Baran has established projects in Israel and in tens of countries all over the world. 

Baran provides a comprehensive project financing solution based on banking and institutional financing  Institutions. Project financing is a vehicle tool that allows Baran to finance projects in developing countries as well.


Years of experience


Projects around the world


Company employees

Baran as a

Global Powerhouse

Baran Group is an international engineering company that provides engineering solutions for the management and design of infrastructures, buildings, industry, agriculture, communication, and technology operating in Israel and around the world.

The Group’s core activity is the management, design, and construction of complex projects, and it provides integrated holistic solutions starting with a feasibility studies, detailed design, procurement, management, and supervision services, including full execution of projects.

Over the past 40 years, Baran has established projects in Israel and in tens of countries all over the world. 

Baran provides a comprehensive project financing solution based on banking and institutional financing  Institutions. Project financing is a vehicle tool that allows Baran to finance projects in developing countries as well.


Years of experience





Projects around

the world

Our Projects

See full stock details

Symbol: BRAN

Stock price:


Change: 0.42%

Face value trade turnover: 203.50

Market value in NIS: ₪338,698,731.80

Last updated: 26-03-2025 11:43

Last financial statement

We are looking

for you

If you have a passion for action, personal excellence, professionalism, and teamwork, Baran Group invites you to join and be part of a supportive, and promoting family of employees. Baran Group – the largest and leading engineering company in Israel according to Dun’s, strictly advocates for maintaining the principle that the company’s employees are its primary and most important resource.

Baran Group is committed to promoting equal, gender-inclusive, and fair employment, and adheres to occupational diversity with the understanding that each and every employee is an entire world. The young company’s strength is in its people. In its engineers. In its designers. In the supporting staff and the people in the field.


מרכז/ת בקרת תכנון

תיאור תפקיד:

בקרה תהליכית, תכנונית על תכניות מפורטות למגורים, תעסוקה, מסחר ותיירות המקודמות בהליכי תכנון סטאטוטוריים ואחרים, ברמה ארצית.

מעקב אחר התקדמות פעילה של התכניות וקידומן משלבי ההכנה המוקדמים ובמשך כל שלבי ההליך התכנוני.

איתור חסמים צפויים או קיימים לאישור התכנית והתראה על חסמים לביצוע התכנית המושתים בשלב התכנון ומזעורם ככל הניתן, תוך צמצום לוחות זמנים לקידום התכנון.

ניהול ועדכון שוטף של מסד נתונים הנחוץ לקיום תהליך בקרה תקין, הפקת דו”חות נדרשים, ויעול ושיפור הליך התכנון.

ריכוז פגישות מעקב תכנון, השתתפות בהם, ורישום  פרוטוקולים.

שירותים נוספים הנדרשים לבקרה, לייזום, למעקב ולקידום תכניות לפי דרישות הרשות.


בעל/ת תואר אקדמאי בתחום התכנון גיאוגרפיה, תכנון ערים, אדריכלות, כלכלה, מינהל עסקים, תעשייה וניהול, וניסיון מקצועי בתחום דומה.

הכרת תחום התכנון הסטטוטורי

נכונות למשרה מלאה בירושלים-חובה